NGALC Meeting 2 Recap

Measuring social-emotional skills, school climate, and CCR

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of A Gateway Cities Innovation InstituteLast Thursday, the NGALC convened to look at how next generation accountability frameworks integrate college and career readiness, school climate, and social-emotional skills. The group’s discussion pivoted on how accountability policies ensure that we don’t undercut nonacademic learning, while avoiding the unintended consequences that the introduction of high-stakes measures can produce.

Our expert presenters explored measurement methods and associated challenges in four content-rich presentations. The morning began with an overview of social-emotional learning from Transforming Education’s Katie Buckley. Marty West, from the Harvard School of Education, followed with a presentation on the promise and peril of measuring skill development in this domain. In the afternoon, ETS’ Pat Kyllonen explained how we can differentiate college skills from career skills and AIR’s Mariann Lemke reviewed the range of college and career readiness indicators states around the country are working to implement.

Questions raised during the second meeting include:

  • If certain skills are not included in accountability systems, will they receive adequate attention?
  • Which indicators should be included in accountability systems and which should only be publically reported?
  • Keeping in mind many of the unintended consequences of NCLB, what are the long-term effects of including these new indicators in accountability systems? What happens in high-stakes situations?
  • How long should a school district be held accountable after a cohort of students move on (e.g., should high schools be held accountable for post-secondary persistence)?
  • How do we use the data schools gather to improve outcomes?

Below you will find video of our expert presentations and links to the slide decks. As always, we seek your engagement. Please email us your thoughts and insights on these pivotal questions.

Katie Buckley gives an overview of the most recent research surrounding SEL, including some of the SEL pilot programs across the country. Click here for the powerpoint presentation.

Marty West explains the challenges and preliminary results (CORE Districts) of the incorporation of SEL into accountability systems. Click here for the powerpoint presentation.

Pat Kyllonen presents on what it means to be ‘college and career ready’ and the skills employers seek. Click here for the powerpoint presentation.

Mariann Lemke describes some of the various CCR indicators currently in use. Click here for the powerpoint presentation.

Meet The Authors

Ben Forman

Research Director, MassINC

Alexia Lipman

Research Intern, MassINC

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