An update from the Gateway Cities Innovation Institute


Dear Friends:
Thank you again for your support and interest in the Gateway Cities Innovation Institute. October’s successful launch has brought renewed energy, more backing, and higher visibility for our efforts. We’re working to bottle up this momentum as we move forward on a number of fronts:
Policy. Look for two important pieces of work in January. One is a new report calling for a Gateway Cities “Transformative Investment” initiative (a concept that we previewed at the launch event and in a recent op-ed column that ran in several regional papers). The other exciting undertaking, funded to date by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation and the Davis Foundation, is an unprecedented collaborative effort to create a strategic blueprint to guide innovation in Gateway City education systems, cradle to career.     
Outreach. Gateway City mayors will come together for the Institute’s first Mayor’s meeting in December. In January, the Institute will host a breakfast meeting with the Gateway Cities legislative caucus. We continue to visit Gateway Cities around the state to spread the word, recruit new Institute Members, and fill out our first class of Institute Fellows.
Staffing. The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute is currently looking for a project assistant to support our education efforts. Please read the job posting and pass the word along to your networks. 
Communications. Read about the role of Gateway City voters in the Brown/Warren race in a CommonWealth article by Paul McMorrow. View a segment on the Institute that aired on WGBY’s Connecting Point. And see Governing magazine’s take on the Institute’s promise as a national model. Then communicate with us. If you aren’t already, please follow us on Twitter. And send us your thoughts, ideas, and news from your community.
Thank you again for all of your support and commitment,
Ben Forman
Executive Director
Gateway Cities innovation Institute