Primary Day in the Gateway Cities

As voters in Commonwealth head to the polls today (or at least an estimated twenty-percent of them), most of the focus of the Massachusetts political establishment will be tightly trained on the open primaries for four of the six statewide constitutional offices. Data collected MassInc Polling Group shows that voters in Gateway Cities will play a huge part in who comes out on top of those races, especially in the hotly contested Democrat primaries for Governor and Attorney General.

As the top-of-the-ballot winners from today’s primary move on to battle it out in the general election, the remaining campaigns will need to take into serious consideration how Gateway Cities voted as they plot their electoral strategies for victory in November.   The eventual success or failure of their campaigns may hinge on it, as it has in recent statewide races.

Further down the ballot, few races have garnered significant coverage.  The absence of a significant amount of contested primaries for seats in the state legislature has become a recurring storyline in recent election cycles. That being said, with several races in Gateway Cities with open open seats and either challenges to incumbents or contested republican primaries, there is plenty of electoral action to motivate voters in our Commonwealth’s urban centers.

The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute has compiled a list of all contested races in Gateway Cities to highlight these important races. We will update this list with voting results tomorrow, so please make sure to check back to see how Gateway Cities voted in this important primary.

Winthrop Roosevelt
Director of Public Affairs

Contested Primaries Races in Gateway Cities

(Candidates from both parties are included as a reference)


Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex District

Senator in General Court

Dylan Hayre (D)

Sara Lynn Reynolds (D)

Brian A. Joyce (D)


Richard J. Ross (R)


Second Bristol District

Representative in General Court

Paul R. Heroux (D)


Jeffrey R. Bailey (R)

Bert J. Buckley (R)



First Barnstable District

Representative in General Court

Alexander R. Morash (D)

Ian P. Ryan (D)

Elisa Beth Zawadzkas (D)


Timothy R. Whelan (R)



Tenth Plymouth District

Representative in General Court

Paul L. Beckner (D)

Peggy Curtis (D)

Michelle M. DuBois (D)


John F. Cruz (R)

Colleen R. Maloney (R)



Second Suffolk District

Representative in General Court

Daniel Joseph Ryan (D)

Roy A. Avellaneda (D)



First Hampden and Hampshire District

Senator in General Court

Timothy C. Allen (D)

James Chip Harrington (D)

Thomas A. Lachiusa (D)

Eric Philip Lesser (D)

Aaron L. Saunders (D)


Debra A. Boronski (R)


Ninth Hampden

Representative in General Court

Edward W. Collins, Jr. (D)

Peter Murphy (D)

Jose F. Tosado (D)


Second Hampden and Hampshire District

Senator in General Court

Christopher J. Hopewell (D)

Patrick T. Leahy (D)


Donald F. Humason, Jr. (R)



Twenty-Eighth Middlesex District

Representative in General Court

Wayne A. Matewsky (D)

Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr. (D)




First Essex District

Senator in General Court*

Kathleen A. O’Connor Ives (D)

Jessica L. Finocciaro (D)


Shaun P. Toohey (R)


Second Essex District

Representative in General Court

Leonard Mirra (R)

Edward H. Watson (R)


Fourteenth Essex District

Representative in General Court

Diana DiZoglio (D)

Oscar Camargo (D)

Phil DeCologero (D)


Rosemary Connelly Smedile (R)



Second Hampden and Hampshire District

Senator in General Court

Christopher J. Hopewell (D)

Patrick T. Leahy (D)


Donald F. Humason, Jr. (R)



Second Essex and Middlesex

Senator in General Court*

Barbara A. L’Italien (D)

Pavel M. Payano (D)

Doris V. Rodriguez (D)


Alex J. Vispoli (R)


Fourteenth Essex District

Representative in General Court

Diana DiZoglio (D)

Oscar Camargo (D)

Phil DeCologero (D)


Rosemary Connelly Smedile (R)



Eighteenth Middlesex District

Representative in General Court

Brian J. Donovan (D)

James Jim Leary (D)

Rady Mom (D)

David M. Ouellette (D)



Eleventh Essex District

Representative in General Court

Brendan Crighton (D)

Charlie Gallo (D)

Aikaterini Panagiotakis Koudanis (D)



Thirty-Third Middlesex District

Representative in General Court

Neil C. Kinnon (D)

Steven Ultrino (D)



First Essex District

Representative in General Court

Edward C. Cameron (D)

Robert W. Lavoie (D)


James M. Kelcourse (R)


Fourteenth Essex District

Representative in General Court

Diana DiZoglio (D)

Oscar Camargo (D)

Phil DeCologero (D)


Rosemary Connelly Smedile (R)


New Bedford

Ninth Bristol District

Representative in General Court

Christopher Markey (D)

Alan D. Garcia (D)


Patrick J. T. Curran (R)



Second Essex District

Representative in General Court

Leonard Mirra (R)

Edward H. Watson (R)


Twelfth Essex District

Representative in General Court

Beverley A. Griffin Dunne (D)

James Moutsoulas (D)


Leah Cole (R)



First Hampden and Hampshire District

Senator in General Court

Timothy C. Allen (D)

James Chip Harrington (D)

Thomas A. Lachiusa (D)

Eric Philip Lesser (D)

Aaron L. Saunders (D)


Debra A. Boronski (R)


Ninth Hampden

Representative in General Court

Edward W. Collins, Jr. (D)

Peter Murphy (D)

Jose F. Tosado (D)


Eleventh Hampden District

Representative in General Court

Benjamin Swan (D)

Larry Lawson (D)



Second Hampden and Hampshire District

Senator in General Court

Christopher J. Hopewell (D)

Patrick T. Leahy (D)


Donald F. Humason, Jr. (R)



Fifteenth Worcester

Representative in General Court

Mary S. Keefe (D)

Philip P. Palmieri (D)

Ralph Perez (D)


Sixteenth Worcester

Representative in General Court

Daniel M. Donahue (D)

Joshua Perro (D)


Seventeenth Worcester

Representative in General Court

Douglas A. Belanger (D)

Moses S. Dixon (D)

Michael J. Germain (D)


Kate D. Campanale (R)