CommonWealth’s Winter 2016 issue is out!

CW Winter coverThe cover story in CommonWealth’s Winter 2016 issue explores the popularity of Gov. Charlie Baker and chalks his early success up to a combination of an MBA’s focus on the issues and a surprisingly emotional touch in connecting with voters. Says one admirer: “I love this guy more than any lesbian should love a Republican.” The Winter 2016 issue is in the mail and available as a PDF and online.

Here’s the rest of the magazine lineup:


Resistance to affordable housing is creating a delicate situation for Newton Mayor Setti Warren.

Utilities are heavily involved in the state’s energy debate, but whose interest are they looking out for?

Everyone in eastern Massachusetts is focused on the struggles of the MBTA, but a different type of transit-tug-of-war is picking up steam across the rest of the state.

A Conversation with Stuart Altman, the chairman of the state’s Health Policy Commission.

One on One with Anthony Trecek-King, the director of the Boston Children’s Chorus, who gets young voices to sing out for justice.

Public schools are raising revenue by bringing in students from outside the district and even outside the country.

US Rep. Richie Neal, a centrist Democrat from western Massachusetts and a master of the inside game, bides his time at Ways and Means.

Some states are trying a new approach to drunken driving. Is Bridj the answer for late-night transit service?

New data suggest falls are a growing concern at assisted living facilities.

State Auditor Suzanne Bump finds an income correlation with physical education classes at schools, mirroring the high school sports inequality we found in our last issue.


John McDonough examines the prospect of setting hospital prices by ballot question.

Ned Murphy says Massachusetts is testing the market-knows-best philosophy with the boom in in-patient psychiatric beds.

Raymond V. Mariano of the Worcester Housing Authority is getting used to the political brushoff.