Hello from Joe Kriesberg, MassINC’s new CEO

Dear Friends,

I’m excited to be writing this email from my desk at the MassINC offices at 11 Beacon Street in downtown Boston. After transitioning jobs for the past two months, it is great to focus my full attention on MassINC’s extensive and impactful work.

I applied for and accepted the job of CEO at MassINC because I deeply believe in its mission of promoting economic inclusion and civic vitality and because of its extraordinary track record of advancing this critical work. As I have begun to learn more about the organization, my enthusiasm has only grown, as has my respect for the incredibly talented team here. It has also become clear to me that MassINC has an extraordinary reputation and network across the Commonwealth. It is a base upon which we can build to have even greater impact in the years ahead.

Over the past two months, I took some initial steps to learn about all three components of MassINC’s work – the Policy Center, the MassINC Polling Group, and CommonWealth. Staff and board members have been generous with their time and open with their ideas, while many partners have reached out with offers to help and invitations to collaborate. This is an especially exciting time for me to join MassINC because we have so much already in the works for 2023. Some highlights include:

  • A robust research program focused on educator diversity, Early College pathways, workforce development for English Speakers of Other Languages, and the impact of the landmark 2018 Criminal Justice reform legislation.
  • An exciting policy agenda that includes the expansion and improvement of the Housing Development Incentive Program, investments in neighborhood stabilization, regional transit, supplier diversity, and entrepreneurship.
  • Continued partnership across issues with our Gateway Cities, with a particular focus on digital equity and a detailed analysis of housing at the municipal level (more details coming soon!).
  • A significant expansion of CommonWealth that deepens coverage of state government, expands coverage of local government and provides a robust forum for a diverse range of voices to engage in thoughtful and civil discussion about the key issues of the day.
  • A record-setting year for The MassINC Polling Group, as our business continues to expand through several new projects including major new contracts with public agencies.

All this will take place in the context of a new administration and unprecedented federal investments, so I am optimistic that there will be many more opportunities to share our knowledge with leaders searching for fresh ideas to advance economic opportunity and inclusion while strengthening our civic culture and discourse.

Over the next few months, I will be devoting significant time to learning about our many programs and strengthening the internal infrastructure that is essential to our long-term success. I also plan to spend much of my time travelling across the state (and via Zoom) to meet with both current and potential partners alike. I invite you to reach out if you would be open to sharing your ideas and exploring opportunities, as I am eager to meet new colleagues, deepen existing relationships, and partner with all who share our mission and goals.


Joe Kriesberg

Meet The Author

Joe Kriesberg

Chief Executive Officer, MassINC & Publisher, CommonWealth Beacon

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