What to do with the state’s half-empty prison system
Prison populations have fallen sharply and crime remains low in Massachusetts. Ben Forman asks what to do with the state’s half-empty prison system in CommonWealth op-ed.
March 23, 2022
20 Gateway City Mayors and Managers Urge State to Fund Downtown Housing
20 Gateway City mayors and managers endorsed letters to MA State House and Senate leadership requesting meetings to address the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) project backlog. View their letters here.
March 23, 2022
Gateway Cities Look to Fuel Early College Expansion in the FY 23 State Budget
When the Gateway City Legislative Caucus convened on Monday to review FY 23 budget priorities, additional funding for Early College made their short list. Fully funding Dual Enrollment and Early College line items is critical to meet the growing demand for high-quality Early College programs in Gateway Cities.
March 23, 2022
Event Recap | Advancing the Goal: What is needed for Early College Expansion
On Tuesday, March 8th, MassINC, Latinos for Education, MBAE, and the newly-launched Massachusetts Alliance for Early College co-hosted a virtual legislative briefing on Massachusetts’ Early College Initiative with the chairs of the Joint Committees on Education and Higher Education.
March 8, 2022
Preliminary Thoughts on a 2022 Equitable Economic Development Bill
Seasonal patterns suggest a large economic development package will land on Beacon Hill during the month of March in an even year. Sec. Kennealy can make a compelling case for filing a bill laden with policies to ensure that the unprecedented federal investments flowing into Massachusetts generate equitable growth.
March 7, 2022
Maria Fernandes-Dominique joins MassINC Board of Directors
MassINC is pleased to announce the addition of Maria Fernandes-Dominique, Director of Public Affairs at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, to the nonprofit’s board of directors. Maria becomes MassINC’s 30th board member and brings valuable experience as a self-described community development practitioner with an impressive background.
February 28, 2022
Preliminary Thoughts on ARPA 2.0
Governor Baker’s second ARPA spending bill is anticipated in the coming weeks. Rather than responding to emergencies, the state can now use these flexible funds for transformative long-term investments with a heavy focus on parts of the state beyond I-495.
February 22, 2022
Send a little love our way
We hope you’ll join our Send a Little Love Our Way Campaign and support Massachusetts’ only civic news organization!
February 14, 2022
Gateway Cities are Part of Solution to Mass. Segregation
Research Director Ben Forman offers an effective housing strategy to address economic segregation in Massachusetts public schools in this Banker & Tradesman piece.
February 3, 2022
For the T, Equity is the train that got away
The MBTA presented a package of proposed fare reductions to its new governing board late last month. Billed as an effort to increase equity, it’s hard to see how the changes will do anything but prolong and perhaps even amplify current inequities.
February 3, 2022