Accelerating Inclusive Growth in the Pioneer Valley

A Prospectus for Transformative Economic Investment

Accelerating Inclusive Growth in the Pioneer Valley is an economic development prospectus for western Massachusetts. Prepared in partnership with Cambridge Econometrics, the analysis calls attention to the region’s competitive advantages in food science, advanced materials, and clean energy. The report makes the case for targeted state investment in the Pioneer Valley, and describes how a

The Promise and Potential of Transformative Transit-Oriented Development in Gateway Cities

Gateway Cities can accommodate thousands of new housing units and thousands of new jobs on the vacant and underutilized land surrounding their commuter rail stations. This walkable, mixed-use urban land offers an ideal setting for transit-oriented development (TOD) to take hold. Currently, Gateway City commuter rail stations get minimal ridership from downtown neighborhoods and few

Rebuilding Renewal

An Analysis of State Investment in Gateway Cities and a Work Plan for Delivering Transformative Development

Over the last decade, Massachusetts has fundamentally shifted its understanding of the needs and opportunities of small-to-medium-sized cities anchoring the Commonwealth’s regional economies. The state now places considerable priority on efforts to make these so-called Gateway Cities stronger drivers of growth. But, despite this focus, economic conditions in Gateway Cities remain fundamentally weak. As recent

At the Apex

The 2030 Educational Attainment Forecast and Implications for Bay State Policy Makers

This analysis draws attention to the problem the Massachusetts economy will confront as the large and highly skilled Baby Boom generation ages out of the state’s workforce. To help inform policymakers at this critical juncture, the report examines the drivers of recent gains in educational attainment and projects skill levels in Massachusetts out to 2030.

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