General Think Tank Resources

Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 12.27.09 PMImplementing the Every Student Succeeds Act

The Center for American Progress gathered information from interviews with educators, and meetings with focus groups in order to publish a comprehensive report on accountability policies and their subsequent recommendations.

ESSA Accountability Design Competition: The Contenders

The Fordham Institute orchestrated a design competition for the most effective and innovative accountability policy proposals. This link contains a description of the contest and a list of the winners and their reports.

The Fordham Institute’s ESSA Blog

ESSA-related blog posts and further resources.

Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 12.32.11 PMScreen Shot 2016-06-06 at 12.30.15 PMRedesigning School Accountability and Support: Progress in Pioneering States

Pathways to New Accountability Through the  Student Succeeds Act

The two reports linked above were produced through a collaboration between the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education and the Learning Policy Institute. The first report presents case studies of the progress made by a cohort of geographically diverse states (51st State Working Group) in redesigning accountability strategies. This information was gathered through interviews, group meetings, webinars, and working papers published by the 51st State Working Group. The second report is a complementary report to the first. It explores the various indicators for progress that might be used in a multi-measure accountability system, in addition to the kinds of criteria that may be used for intervention.


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