The Geography of Incarceration

A Special Report from the Boston Indicators Project in Partnership with MassINC and the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Reform Coalition

This paper explores the geography of incarceration in Boston, providing timely information as state leaders engage in an unprecedented effort to find strategies to operate our criminal justice system in

Justice Reinvestment At-A-Glance

Community Corrections

This Justice Reinvestment At-a-Glance report examines community corrections. Community corrections is an enhanced form of probation. Instead of incarceration, individuals are sentenced to intensive services and supervision in the community.

Reducing recidivism

Criminal justice reform leaders from Massachusetts gather to examine strategies

Last week, MassINC gathered at The Boston Foundation with criminal justice reform leaders from Massachusetts and beyond to examine strategies to reduce recidivism. The public forum coincided with the release

Young Adults in the Criminal Justice System: Taking a Developmental Approach to Reduce Recidivism

Please join MassINC and criminal justice leaders for a conversation on innovative models to serve justice-involved young adults. Around the country, developmental approaches with transitional age youth are generating considerable attention.  These policies and practices hold significant promise to reduce recidivism and increase public safety, particularly in neighborhoods heavily impacted by violent crime.

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