We’re excited to recognize…
Special Edition Gateway Cities Journal
Congratulations to the Lawrence Public Schools and their community partners for demonstrating collaborative new models to support youth and families! We’re excited to recognize their inspiring work with a 2015 Gateway Cities Innovation Award.
Gateway City leaders have been curiously watching Lawrence since the district entered state receivership in 2012. Jeff Riley, the leader appointed by the state to transform the district, drew attention from the very beginning with a collaborative approach to working with teachers. Less attention has been given to his efforts to partner with the larger Lawrence community.
Upon taking over, Superintendent Riley immediately set about expanding the school day to offer students a wider array of learning opportunities. A central component of this strategy was engaging with local nonprofits. Lawrence’s community organizations embraced the opportunity to share all that they could provide. They were especially adept at helping the district connect with parents, who had previously felt unwelcome in the schools.
Public education in Lawrence is steadily improving in ways that we can measure. But the most valuable gains that this transformation has produced for both the community and its youth are more difficult to quantify. Our case study of Lawrence Community Partnerships attempts to capture these improvements through the voices of the city’s leaders.
Please join us in Worcester on November 17th to hear from these leaders directly, learn more about how they put together this impressive model, and help us recognize their collective achievements.
We hope to see you there!
–Ben Forman
Amy Dain says Jeff Riley’s turnaround of the Lawrence public schools goes way beyond the schools.
The Lowell City Council directs the school system to start teaching students about the danger of opioid use.
The Nellie Mae Education Foundation unveils a new strategy focused on building a more prosperous and equitable New England.
Sergio Paez, the former superintendent in Holyoke, is a finalist for superintendent in Cambridge.
A Lawrence charter school is among those with increased enrollment of English language learners and students with disabilities.
An early education social impact bond succeeds in Salt Lake City!
Education Week features reflections on Growth Mindset from Carol Dweck, a pioneering social-emotional skills researcher.
Housing & Economic Development
Governor Charlie Baker takes a trip to Brockton to discuss downtown revitalization.
Banker & Tradesman sees Brockton taking a step in the right direction.
Franklin Realty Partners of Wellesley completes the purchase of a 10-acre parcel of land in downtown Worcester for $32 million.
Several firms show interest in redeveloping Lowell‘s Hamilton Canal District.
The Springfield Republican wants the city’s business community to get the former PawSox AAA team.
MGM Resorts cuts the size of its Springfield project by 14 percent.
An Eagle-Tribune editorial takes the region to task for throwing barriers in the way of affordable housing.
As the race becomes more of a focus of outside interest, candidates for the Second Plymouth and Bristol Senate race, which includes Brockton, squares off in their first debate. Full video of the debate can be found here.
Fall River Mayor Sam Sutter and the challenger to his seat, City Councilor Jasiel Correia, focuses on economic development, unemployment, and urban revitalization in their first head-to-head debate.
The candidates for mayor of Chicopee answer MassLive questions about road repair issues, while the candidates in Holyoke answer questions about the budget, local taxes, education, and environmental improvements.
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch says he’ll continue to focus on investing in major infrastructure projects, including a new Sterling Middle School building, redeveloping the old Quincy shipyard and redeveloping the Quincy Center MBTA parking garage, if reelected in his race against former mayor William Phelan.
Gary Ortiz, who is launching a new cab company in Haverhill, says the city will suffer if it opens its doors to ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft.
The possibility of higher parking fees doesn’t sit well with commuters in Lynn.
St. Paul becomes the latest city to think about doing away with school buses.
Holyoke opens a municipal tree nursery.Fall River receives a $68,000 state grant to sustain its recycling programs.