Transportation for America, Mayor Kim Driscoll of Salem, and Senator Ben Downing of Pittsfield were joined by former Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and transportation leaders at the State House to discuss legislation that would let Massachusetts municipalities and regions raise their own taxes for transportation improvements.
An Act relative to regional transportation ballot initiatives (S1474/H2698) would enable one or more municipalities to raise funds for local and regional transportation investments through voter approved ballot initiatives.
Local-option taxes of this kind are commonly used across the country to fund transportation projects and have a strong record of passing when put to voters.
Recent polling has shown strong support for regional transportation ballot initiatives across Massachusetts, with up to 75% of voters agreeing communities should have the option to fund local projects.
It is time to give communities across the Commonwealth new tools to tackle their own transportation challenges and keep their economies moving.
To support regional transportation ballot initiatives, please visit http://www.t4ma.org/signon