MassINC Releases Rebuilding Renewal in Lowell

Over the last decade, Massachusetts has fundamentally shifted its understanding of the needs and opportunities of Gateway Cities. But, despite this focus, economicrebulding renewal conditions in these communities remain fundamentally weak. As recent efforts have not moved the needle, we must ask what it will take to help Gateway Cities resume their key function as drivers of regional growth and economic mobility. To help answer that question, MassINC is proud to present Rebuilding Renewal.

Produced in partnership with Hodge Economic Consulting, this new analysis of state investment in Gateway Cities demonstrates that, if there is to be measurable beneficial impact in Gateway Cities, the state must continue efforts to create a comprehensive transformative development policy.

To stimulate dialogue around these new findings and the progress we have made toward such a policy, MassINC convened a cross-section of local and state leaders in Lowell on Monday. The Pioneer Institute and the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation joined us to share their latest research on Gateway City economic and fiscal conditions. Following these presentations and a panel of expert respondents, Secretary Ash offered his views and led a robust exchange of ideas.

Our hope is that by continuing to provide an arena that brings leaders together to think creatively, we can advance policies that respond to the common set of opportunities and challenges that Gateway Cities share. We invite you to join in this discussion by reading our new report and watching the videos below of the research presented by Dan Hodge for MassINC, Jim Stergios of the Pioneer Institute, and Eileen McAnneny of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.

Copy of Copy of A Gateway Cities Innovation Institute (4)

Full video of Jim Stergios offering remarks on the Pioneer Institute’s latest Middle Cities research.

Full video of Eileen McAnneny presenting new data from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation on Gateway City fiscal conditions.

Full video of Dan Hodge presenting new data from the MassINC Rebuilding Renewal report.