The MassINC staff is composed of dedicated researchers, journalists, media experts, pollsters, co-ops, and interns. These individuals strive to achieve their collective vision of public policies that can forge pathways to opportunity. To learn more about them, visit our staff page here.
Save the Date! 11th Annual Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Awards & Summit
Join us in Fitchburg on Tuesday, November 14, 2023
August 8, 2023
23 Gateway City mayors and managers write to state legislators for HDIP
Letter of support to state senate leaders from mayors and managers representing 23 Gateway Cities
June 9, 2023
Gateway Cities Journal: The Senate makes bold investment in regional transit
The Gateway Cities Journal
May 15, 2023
New Poll: BPS parents voice concerns about children’s emotional well-being, physical safety
68% say they are at least somewhat concerned with their children’s physical safety
May 5, 2023