Note: MassINC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and hosts this web page as a public information service. All inquiries should be directed to legislative staff. Contacts:
Svetlana Yefimenko, Office of Rep. Antonio Cabral
Kevin Bowe, Office of Sen. John Cronin
Founded in 2008 and chaired by Representative Antonio F. D. Cabral and Senator John J. Cronin, the Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus (GCLC) is a coalition of 63 state representatives and 21 state senators who proudly represent 26 Gateway Cities on Beacon Hill. Dedicated to advancing the enormous potential of Gateway Cities, GCLC lawmakers work hard to deliver social and economic opportunities for Gateway Cities residents, fighting for excellent schools, well-paying jobs, attainable housing, updated infrastructure, and safe, vibrant neighborhoods.
Meet the Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus Members

Representative F. D. Cabral, House Chair
New Bedford

Senator John J. Cronin, Senate Chair
- Representative Shirley Arriaga
Chicopee - Representative Bruce Ayers
Quincy - Representative Jennifer Balinsky Armini
Lynn (two precincts) - Senator Michael Brady
Brockton - Representative Daniel Cahill
Lynn - Representative Peter Capano
Lynn - Representative Tackey Chan
Quincy - Senator Brendan Crighton
Lynn - Representative Manny Cruz
Salem - Senator Julian Cyr
Barnstable - Senator Sal DiDomenico
Chelsea and Everett - Representative Carol Doherty
Taunton - Representative Paul Donato
Malden - Senator Kelly Dooner
Taunton - Representative Michelle Dubois
Brockton - Representative Kip Diggs
Barnstable - Representative Daniel Donahue
Worcester - Representative Patricia Duffy
Holyoke - Senator Lydia Edwards
Revere - Representative Rodney Elliott
Lowell - Senator Paul Feeney
Attleboro - Representative Dylan Fernandes
Barnstable - Senator Barry Finegold
Lawrence - Representative Michael Finn
Springfield and Chicopee - Representative Carole Fiola
Fall River - Representative Judith Garcia
Chelsea and Everett - Representative Jessica Giannino
Chelsea and Revere - Senator Adam Gomez
Chicopee and Springfield - Representative Carlos Gonzales
Springfield - Representative Ryan Hamilton
Haverhill and Methuen - Representative James Hawkins
Attleboro - Representative Christopher Hendricks
New Bedford - Representative Natalie Higgins
Leominster - Representative-elect Tara Hong
Lowell - Representative Vanna Howard
Lowell - Representative Daniel Hunt
Quincy (1 precinct) - Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier
Pittsfield - Representative Mary Keefe
Worcester - Senator John Keenan
Quincy - Senator Edward Kennedy
Lowell - Senator Robyn Kennedy
Worcester - Representative Sally Kerans
- Representative David LeBoeuf
Worcester - Senator Jason Lewis
Malden - Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian
Malden - Senator Joan Lovely
Peabody and Salem - Representative John Mahoney
Worcester - Speaker Ronald Mariano
Quincy - Senator Paul Mark
Pittsfield - Representative Christopher Markey
New Bedford - Representative Joseph McGonagle, Jr.
Everett - Representative Rita Mendes
Brockton - Representative Lenny Mirra
Haverhill - Senator Mark Montigny
New Bedford - Senator Michael Moore
Worcester - Representative Frank Moran
Lawrence (1 precinct) - Representative James O’Day
Worcester - Senator Jake Oliveira
Chicopee and Springfield - Representative Norman Orrall
Taunton (1 precinct) - Representative Francisco Paulino
Lawrence and Methuen - Senator Pavel Payano
Haverhill, Methuen, Lawrence - Representative Kelly Pease
Westfield - Representative Bridget Plouffe
Brockton - Representative Angelo Puppolo
Springfield - Representative Orlando Ramos
Springfield and Chicopee - Senator Becca Rausch
Attleboro - Representative Estela Reyes
Lawrence and Methuen - Senator Michael Rodrigues
Fall River - Representative Daniel Ryan
Chelsea (including parts of Boston) - Representative Adam Scanlon
Attleboro - Representative Alan Silvia
Fall River - Representative Justin Thurber
Taunton (1 precinct) - Representative Jeffrey Turco
Revere - Representative Steven Ultrino
Malden - Senator John Velis
Chicopee, Holyoke, Westfield - Representative Andres Vargas
Haverhill - Representative Thomas Walsh
Peabody - Representative Bud Williams
Springfield - Representative Donald Wong
Lynn - Representative Steven Xiarhos
Barnstable (2 precincts) - Representative Michael Kushmerek