At the buzzer, Gateway City leaders score a game-changer

The Gateway Cities Journal

Gateway City leaders enthusiastically applauded the smart economic development investments Governor Baker signed into law last week at the State House. This session’s economic development package authorized an unusually large infusion of capital spending, including $500 million for the MassWorks grant, $45 million for the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund, and $45 million for the Transformative Development Initiative. These

Our moment is now

The Gateway Cities Journal

With the 2015-2016 legislative session heating up, now is the time for Gateway City leaders to come together and talk through shared priorities. Next week we hope to stimulate this conversation with the release of a new report tracing the arc of state policy, starting in 2009, the beginning of our collaborative efforts, through the

Providing a passport out of poverty

The Gateway Cities Journal

The front cover of last Sunday’s Boston Globe drew attention to how rising income inequality is leading to increasing segregation of residents by income. While this phenomenon raises many concerns, nowhere is the effect more problematic than in the classroom. As income disparities grow, increasing numbers of disadvantaged students are being asked to learn in

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