Maureen McInerney Public Affairs Associate, MassINC

Maureen McInerney is the Public Affairs Associate for MassINC. In that role, Maureen is responsible for outreach to community and government organizations as well as elected officials. She also contributes heavily to MassINC’s event coordination, messaging, and visual content production. Maureen is a graduate of Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Communication Studies.

Originally from Syracuse, New York, Maureen worked for Onondaga County’s Department of Water and Environment Protection in 2014 as a Public Information Specialist for their Save the Rain storm water management initiative. Maureen also held part-time positions in the Baker Administration’s press office and office of Cabinet Relations throughout her college career. Maureen previously served as a Program Assistant and later Development Associate at MassINC.

ARTICLES By Maureen McInerney

Pat Beaudry

This Month's Gateway Cities Leader

Cities are shaped by their citizens. From New Bedford to Pittsfield, passionate young leaders are spearheading innovative efforts to reinvent their communities for a new generation. The Gateway Cities Leaders

Fact-checking the district attorneys

MassINC researchers review mandatory minimum claims

AT MONDAY’S JUDICIARY COMMITTEE HEARING on criminal justice reform legislation, District Attorneys Joseph Early of Worcester County, Timothy Cruz of Plymouth County, and Michael Morrissey of Norfolk County testified in

Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus

Talks TDI and other FY 2018 budget priorities

The Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus met today, led by co-chairs Rep. Antonio Cabral and Sen. Eric Lesser, to discuss budget priorities and proposed amendments. A small victory for Gateway Cities

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