Derek Mitchell

This week's Gateway Cities Leader

Cities are shaped by their citizens. From New Bedford to Pittsfield, a new generation of passionate young leaders are spearheading innovative efforts to reinvent their communities. This series profiles their work and introduces their ideas, visions, and aspirations to the wider Gateway City world. Is there a young leader in your city that we should spotlight? Please let us know.

The Gateway Cities Journal

Creative placemaking succeeds when...

Creative placemaking succeeds when, as the National Endowment for the Arts puts it: “partners from public, private, non-profit, and community sectors strategically shape the physical and social character of a neighborhood, town, city, or region around arts and cultural activities.” Here in Massachusetts, examples abound of successful placemaking efforts in Gateway Cities. Perhaps the most

Mary Tinti

This Week's Gateway Cities Leader

Cities are shaped by their citizens. From New Bedford to Pittsfield, a new generation of passionate young leaders are spearheading innovative efforts to reinvent their communities. This series profiles their work and introduces their ideas, visions, and aspirations to the wider Gateway City world. Is there a young leader in your city that we should spotlight? Please let us know.

New school poverty figures obscure need in Gateway Cities

Since Massachusetts passed education reform in 1993, the share of Gateway City students who are low-income has risen from less than half to two-thirds. This concentration of poverty in Gateway City school districtsmeans nearly every student in these urban centers now attends a school wheremore than 40 percent of the students are poor—a threshold social

Gateway Cities Innovation Institute applauds Boston 2024 Selection of New Bedford to Host Sailing


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Winthrop Roosevelt (617) 224-1625 Statement: Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Applauds Boston 2024 selection of New Bedford to Host Sailing The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute applauds Boston 2024 for revising their initial bid for the Olympic Games to include New Bedford as the venue for the sailing competition. Locating the Olympic

What does the health economy mean for Gateway Cities?

First in a series of three blogs on the state’s changing regional economies Looking at the economic recovery of Gateway Cities through the lens of job growth, it appears that the state’s regional cities have regained lost ground. But growth in total employment obscures more fundamental change in the base of Gateway City economies. Gateway


The 2014 Gateway Cities Innovation Awards and Summit

We hope you were one of the many who attended the second annual Gateway Cities Innovation Awards & Summit last Thursday at UMass Boston. If you could not make it, you can watch the video here. Over 300 leaders from the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities gathered to recognize five organizations advancing educational excellence in their communities

Down Ballot Gateway City Race Results

As the dust settles in an eventful night in Massachusetts politics, the result of the down ballot races in the Gateway Cities shows there will be a few new faces in the delegation this coming January. While incumbents held strong, first timers Eric Lesser and Barbara L’Italien won Senate seats to represent parts of Springfield

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