Building Back Better on Main Street

Gateway Cities Journal

Creating a sustainable funding mechanism for organizations that can play vital roles in strengthening commercial areas for the long-term is the kind of forward-thinking policy needed to leverage one-time APRA investments in small business development.

Harnessing the civic energy ARPA has unlocked

Gateway Cities Journal

As they work to apportion the state’s $5 billion ARPA allocation, legislators have conscientiously collected input from thousands of Massachusetts residents. We’ve compiled our thoughts for investing ARPA funds in a manner that recognizes the post-pandemic challenges and opportunities Gateway Cities face.

Back on the Road Again: The Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus Tour

Gateway Cities Journal

After 18 months confined to the home office, we jumped at the chance to join the Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus on their South Coast tour. In Attleboro, Fall River, and New Bedford, we listened in on firsthand accounts of valiant efforts to help residents through the pandemic.

What’s really behind the population increase in Gateway Cities?

Gateway Cities Journal

Gateway Cities are seeing strength in some neighborhoods and market segments, while others continue to present very real concerns. Whatever the case may be, it is imperative to better understand recent growth trends and develop clear-eyed strategy in response.

A Make or Break Moment for Gateway City Renewal

Gateway Cities Journal

With all the eye-popping numbers flying around in relation to the stimulus bills, federal budget, and infrastructure deal, you might think our transportation woes are solved. But down in the trenches, Massachusetts communities still lack many of the basic tools used around the country to control their own destiny.

Andre Leroux offers testimony to Joint Committee on Transportation

On low-income and zero-fare bills

The Honorable William Straus, House Chair The Honorable Joseph Boncore, Senate Chair Joint Committee on Transportation State House, Room 134 Boston, MA 02133 via email   Dear Chairmen Straus and Boncore, On behalf of MassINC’s Gateway Cities Innovation Institute, I strongly urge you to expedite a favorable report on H. 3526, “An Act Relative to

Andre Leroux offers testimony to Joint Committee on Transportation

On transportation revenue bills

The Honorable William Straus, House Chair The Honorable Joseph Boncore, Senate Chair Joint Committee on Transportation State House, Room 134 Boston, MA 02133 via email   RE: Support for new transportation revenue—local revenue tools are especially important to enable Gateway Cities and surrounding communities to solve their regional transit challenges – H. 3426 (Ciccolo) An

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