Neighborhood vitality and public school performance are closely linked, yet education improvement efforts are generally siloed from planning, housing, and community development. This disconnect has contributed to increasingly high levels
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Adults with limited English skills comprise one-tenth of the commonwealth’s workforce. This makes English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) services key to the Massachusetts economy. While the field is
Topic(s): Jobs and Economic Security, Research
District Management for Downtown Vitality
Ingredients and Recipes for Success
Community Capital for Small Businesses
A Study of the CDFI and CDC Ecosystem in Massachusetts
Accelerating Inclusive Growth in the Pioneer Valley
A Prospectus for Transformative Economic Investment
Housing for All
Forward-Looking Strategies for a Growing New Bedford
Criminal Justice Reform in Massachusetts
A Five-Year Progress Assessment
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Produced in partnership with Boston Indicators, this report is the first systematic look at the impact of two landmark criminal justice reform laws passed in 2018. While the COVID-19 pandemic
Topic(s): Criminal Justice
Connected Communities
Providing Affordable Housing Residents with Unfettered Access to Digital Opportunity in Massachusetts
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In a complementary discussion paper, we suggest Massachusetts can meet a growing need for skilled workers by weaving more robust career pathways into Early College programs. To demonstrate what this
Topic(s): Education, Jobs and Economic Security
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Previous MassINC research shows Massachusetts’s relatively young Early College programs are demonstrating impressive performance increasing college access and persistence. This discussion paper looks at the potential to build on this
Topic(s): Education, Jobs and Economic Security