Connected Communities

Providing Affordable Housing Residents with Unfettered Access to Digital Opportunity in Massachusetts

Connected Communities explores strategies to close the digital divide in Massachusetts through targeted investments in affordable housing developments. Prepared in collaboration with the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership (MACP), the report builds

Harnessing the civic energy ARPA has unlocked

Gateway Cities Journal

As they work to apportion the state’s $5 billion ARPA allocation, legislators have conscientiously collected input from thousands of Massachusetts residents. We’ve compiled our thoughts for investing ARPA funds in a manner that recognizes the post-pandemic challenges and opportunities Gateway Cities face.

Gateway Cities battle the digital divide

Gateway Cities Journal

At this point last summer, Gateway City educators were furiously at work trying to ensure that all students would have computers and reliable internet service when school resumed in the fall. Their herculean efforts demonstrated that we can temporarily narrow the divide, but a lot of work remains to find durable solutions to this multifaceted problem.

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