The latest releases, insights, events, and articles from across MassINC.
Unleashing the Potential of Entrepreneurs of Color in Massachusetts
A Blueprint for Economic Growth and Equitable Recovery
March 29, 2021
Are free buses closer than they appear?
Free buses may be the bold idea Massachusetts needs to rebuild a culture of public transportation as we emerge from the pandemic in 2021.
March 18, 2021
Who Will Rescue the Student Opportunity Act?
The problem in a nutshell: The Legislature hasn’t provided certainty that the state will make good on its promise to deliver the funds in equal increments over the law’s seven-year phase-in period. Lacking confidence that they will see these scheduled increases in Chapter 70 aid, school districts have been hesitant to develop plans to deploy the new funds strategically.
March 4, 2021
Correctional Officers Can Lead the Way Out of the Tough-on-Crime-Era
Massachusetts has an unprecedented opportunity to make better use of limited public safety resources by reducing the incarcerated population and reinventing correctional practices with more leadership and direction from those on the frontlines.
February 25, 2021
Refunding Corrections
Focusing on criminal justice information systems, MassINC and panel experts review efforts to increase transparency, improve data collection, and root out racial bias.
February 11, 2021
TTOD “Transformative Transit-Oriented Development” Talks
February 8, 2021
Rooting Out Racial Bias
Focusing on criminal justice information systems, MassINC and panel experts review efforts to increase transparency, improve data collection, and root out racial bias.
February 5, 2021
Top Gateway City Budget Priorities for FY22
Funding for Early College and lifting the cap on the Housing Development Incentive Program are among the top FY22 priorities for Gateway Cities and their residents.
January 25, 2021
Budgets for the days ahead: A survey of Massachusetts voters
January 13, 2021