CommonWealth Beacon
Operational updates from CommonWealth Beacon. For the latest news on Massachusetts policy, politics, and civic life visit
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Editor’s note: Tang vs. Kerr
How much editorial license should opinion writers be given?
November 26, 2017
Oversight of Lawrence schools shifting to state-appointed board
Riley leaving after six years, may seek state education commissioner’s post
November 15, 2017
Inequality, criminal justice reform are linked
Incarceration approach is hollowing out the middle class
October 13, 2017
Senate goes big on criminal justice bill
Sweeping proposal would touch most parts of system
October 4, 2017
Mass. rating plan deemed unfair to high-poverty schools
Report faults state system for not using ‘growth’ as bigger factor
August 2, 2017
CommonWealth’s Summer 2017 issue is out!
July 11, 2017