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RealTalk VI New Civic Leadership in Massachusetts

April 21, 2005 @ 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

1. What is your gender?
     Male – 52%
     Female – 48%

2. Has the Curse of the Bambino ended?
     Yes – 78%
     No – 12%
     What is a Bambino – 10%

3. What is your age?
     Less than 18 – 0%
     18 to 24 – 28%
     25 to 30 – 43%
     31 to 35 – 18%
     36 to 39 – 0%
     40 and over – 9%
     Refused – 2%

4. Which of the following best describes your racial heritage?
     White – 81%
     Black – 9%
     Asian – 4%
     Hispanic – 1%
     Multi-racial – 2%
     Other – 0%
     Refuse – 3%

5. I was born in Massachusetts
     Yes – 44%
     No – 66%

6. How long have you lived in Massachusetts?
     Less than one year – 8%
     More than a year, but less than three years – 8%
     More than three years but less than five years – 14%
     More than five years but less than ten years – 20%
     More than ten years – 50%

7. What is the last grade or class completed in school?
     Less than high school – 0%
     High School – 1%
     Some college – 8%
     Four year degree – 51%
     Some graduate school – 10%
     Graduate degree, including professional degree – 30%

8. I work in the…
     Private sector – 26%
     Nonprofit sector – 40%
     Public sector – 18%
     Not currently employed/school – 16%

9. Do you consider yourself a civic leader?
     Yes – 50%
     No – 50%

10. I am registered to vote in Massachusetts…
     Yes – 85%
     No – 15%

11. It is easy to vote on election day in Massachusetts
     Strongly agree – 20%
     Agree – 33%
     Neutral – 14%
     Disagree – 13%
     Strongly disagree – 10%
     Don’t know – 10%

12. When I want to learn about what’s going on about politics and news in my community I am most likely to…
     Read a newspaper – 34%
     Read an online newspaper – 37%
     Watch the TV news – 6%
     Read a Web blog- 1%
     Listen to the radio – 15%
     Talk with my friends – 7%

Have you done any of the following activities in the last three years…

13. Volunteered on a regular basis for a church or other community organization
     Yes – 70%
     No – 28%
     Don’t know – 5%

14. Called, written, or sent e-mail to any elected official about an issue you are concerned about
     Yes – 73%
     No – 26%
     Don’t know – 1%

15. Joined or contributed money to an organization in support of a particular cause
     Yes – 89%
     No – 8%
     Don’t know – 3%

16. Attend a neighborhood meeting or town meeting
     Yes – 54%
     No – 46%
     Don’t know – 0%

17. The most important reason for getting involved in the community is to…
     Develop my leadership skills – 8%
     Meet and network with interesting people- 15%
     Find a better use of my time – 0%
     Feel good about myself – 4%
     Help my career advance – 1%
     Work on an issue that’s important to me – 62%
     Raise money for a cause – 5%
     Other – 5%

18. When you think of a civic leader, who comes to mind?
     Political leader – 17%
     Business leader- 4%
     Leader of a nonprofit organization – 16%
     Educational leader – 1%
     All of the above – 58%
     None of the above – 4%

19. There are many opportunities for young professional and working adults to become a civic leader in Boston
     Yes – 47%
     No – 28%
     Not sure – 25%

20. I want to serve on the board of a nonprofit organization
     Yes – 73%
     No – 1%
     Not sure – 16%

21. I have been asked to serve on the board of a nonprofit organization
     Yes – 36%
     No – 62%
     Not sure – 2%

22. It is easy to learn about opportunities to serve on nonprofit boards in Boston, especially the boards of smaller organizations
     Yes – 14%
     No – 70%
     Not sure – 16%

23. You can meet and network with civic leaders in Boston…
     Very easily – 10%
     Somewhat easily – 42%
     Easily – 14%
     Not easily at all – 34%

On a scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being the least important and 4 being the most important, how would you rank the following civic leadership skills…

24. Fund-raising skills
     Least important – 3%
     Somewhat important – 14%
     Important – 64%
     Most important – 19%

25. Communication skills
     Least important – 0%
     Somewhat important – 5%
     Important – 47%
     Most important – 48%

26. Volunteer recruitment skills
     Least important – 5%
     Somewhat important – 35%
     Important – 49%
     Most important – 11%

27. Being able to run a meeting
     Least important – 20%
     Somewhat important – 28%
     Important – 36%
     Most important – 16%

28. Knowledge of the mission, issue, or cause
     Least important – 2%
     Somewhat important – 5%
     Important – 23%
     Most important – 70%

29. Political skills
     Least important – 11%
     Somewhat important – 28%
     Important – 49%
     Most important – 12%

30. I know about training opportunities for developing my civic leadership skills
     Yes – 32%
     No – 64%
     Not sure – 4%

31. I want to run for public office
     Yes – 32%
     No – 48%
     Don’t know – 20%

32. Compared with other regions of the country, the diversity of civic leaders in this region is
     Excellent – 8%
     Good – 11%
     Fair – 27%
     Poor – 40%
     Don’t know – 14%

How much, if any, improvement do you think we need on different aspects of the quality of life in greater Boston and Massachusetts such as…

33. The public transportation system
     Need major improvement – 42%
     Need some improvement – 45%
     Satisfactory as is – 8%
     More than satisfactory as is – 4%
     Don’t know – 1%

34. The availability of affordable housing
     Need major improvement – 87%
     Need some improvement – 10%
     Satisfactory as is – 2%
     More than satisfactory as is – 0%
     Don’t know – 1%

35. The availability of arts, culture, and recreational activities
     Need major improvement – 5%
     Need some improvement – 37%
     Satisfactory as is – 38%
     More than satisfactory as is – 20%
     Don’t know – 0%

36. Becoming a more welcoming community for newcomers
     Need major improvement – 30%
     Need some improvement – 46%
     Satisfactory as is – 13%
     More than satisfactory as is – 2%
     Don’t know – 9%

37. The way the political system is working
     Need major improvement – 52%
     Need some improvement – 39%
     Satisfactory as is – 3%
     More than satisfactory as is – 0%
     Don’t know – 6%

38. The roads and traffic situation
     Need major improvement – 75%
     Need some improvement – 20%
     Satisfactory as is – 1%
     More than satisfactory as is – 2%
     Don’t know – 2%

39. I have attended RealTalk before
     Yes – 42%
     No – 58%

40. I first heard about RealTalk from…
     A friend told me about it – 35%
     I got an email about it from an organization I am involved with – 38%
     I found out abit it on a Web site – 10%
     I read a story about it – 0%
     Other – 17%

41. I would attend a program like this again
     Yes – 87%
     No – 1%
     Not sure – 12%

42. I plan on getting even more involved in civic life because I attended this program
     Yes – 49%
     No – 30%
     Not sure – 21%



42. I plan on bringing a friend to the next RealTalk forum on June 8
     Yes – 67%
     Yes – 33%


April 21, 2005
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm