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RealTalk VII Welcoming New Bostonians

June 8, 2005 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

1. What is your gender?
     Male – 39%
     Female – 61%


2. What is your age?
     Less than 18 – 0%
     18 to 24 – 19%
     25 to 30 – 42%
     31 to 35 – 16%
     36 and over – 21%
     Refused – 2%


3. Which of the following best describes your racial heritage?
     White – 61%
     Black – 14%
     Asian – 5%
     Hispanic – 8%
     Multi-racial – 4%
     Other – 6%
     Refuse – 2%


4. What is the last grade or class completed in school?
     Less than high school – 1%
     High School – 3%
     Some college – 5%
     Four year degree – 29%
     Some graduate school – 12%
     Graduate degree, including professional degree – 50%


5. I work in the…
     Private sector – 36%
     Nonprofit sector – 37%
     Public sector – 8%
     Not currently employed/school – 19%
6. I was born in Massachusetts
     Yes – 20%
     No – 80%


7. How long have you lived in Massachusetts?
     Less than one year – 18%
     More than one year but less than three years – 14%
     More than three years but less than five years – 9%
     More than five years but less than ten years – 16%
     More than ten years – 43%


8. I now consider Boston to be home
     Yes – 70%
     No – 30%
9. In my personal experience, I have found Boston to be a welcoming city
     Yes – 47%
     No – 38%
     Don’t know – 15%


10. I think of Boston as a friendly city
     Strongly agree – 5%
     Agree – 30%
     Neutral – 27%
     Disagree – 25%
     Strongly disagree – 12%
     Don’t know – 1%


11. I think people in Boston are friendlier than people in other places I have lived.
     Strongly agree – 2%
     Agree – 8%
     Neutral – 20%
     Disagree – 30%
     Strongly disagree – 34%
     Don’t know – 6%


12. I consider myself to be friendly and open-minded.
     Strongly agree – 48%
     Agree – 45%
     Disagree – 3%
     Strongly disagree – 1%
     Don’t know – 3%


13. I feel the easiest way to meet new people in Boston is through
     Religious organizations – 2%
     Volunteering opportunities – 10%
     Work – 23%
     School – 13%
     Alumni associations – 0%
     Online network (Friendster, etc.) – 3%
     Exercise outlets – 1%
     Friends of friends – 41%
     Other – 7%


14. Boston has become a more diverse community in recent years
     Yes – 42%
     No – 12%
     Don’t know – 46%


15. Compared with other regions of the country, the diversity of civic leaders in this region is
     Excellent – 0%
     Good – 9%
     Fair – 19%
     Poor – 50%
     Don’t know/no opinion – 22%


16. Compared with other regions of the country, the diversity of corporate leaders in this region is
     Excellent – 0%
     Good – 1%
     Fair – 8%
     Poor – 53%
     Don’t know/no opinion – 38%


17. There are places in the city for people from different races and cultures to connect with one another
     Yes – 52%
     No – 24%
     Don’t know – 24%


18. Bostonians see diversity as good for the city’s future
     Yes – 52%
     No – 21%
     Don’t know – 27%


19. I believe I can reach my full potential in Boston
     Strongly agree – 31%
     Agree – 38%
     Disagree – 23%
     Strongly disagree – 8%
20. I have establish a relationship with a mentor that will help me get ahead in the city’s corporate or civic community
     Strongly agree – 26%
     Agree – 26%
     Disagree – 32%
     Strongly disagree – 16%


21. There are opportunities for me to network and develop relationships that will help me with my career
     Strongly agree – 41%
     Agree – 49%
     Disagree – 7%
     Strongly disagree – 3%


22. Bostonians could become more welcoming to newcomers by
     Having more patience with out-of-town drivers – 2%
     Having more tolerance toward regional differences – 0%
     Having more willingness to learn from non-natives – 12%
     Losing the accent – 0%
     Being more willing to say hello and engage in small talk – 30%
     Being more helpful to tourists – 1%
     Being more tolerant toward students – 6%
     Helping newcomers participate and contribute to social and community networks – 45%
     Other – 4%


23. Which of these three choices is the number one way to welcome new Bostonians
     Having more willingness to learn from non-natives – 8%
     Being more willing to say hello and engage in small talk – 35%
     Helping newcomers participate and contribute to social and community networks – 57%
24. I have attended a RealTalk program before
     Yes – 27%
     No – 73%

25. I have attended more than one RealTalk program before
     Yes – 17%
     No – 81%
     Not sure – 2%


26. I would attend a program like this again
     Yes – 82%
     No – 8%
     Not sure – 10%


June 8, 2005
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm