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RealTalk VIII Getting Around Town

October 20, 2005 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

RealTalk VIII Getting Around Town Transcript
1. What is your gender?
     Male – 56%
     Female – 44%


2. What is your age?
     Less than 18 – 0%
     18 to 24 – 10%
     25 to 30 – 43%
     31 to 35 – 14%
     36 to 40 – 6%
     Over 40 – 26%
     Refused – 1%


3. How long have you lived in Massachusetts?
     Less than one year – 8%
     More than one year but less than five years – 27%
     More than five years but less than ten years – 15%
     More than ten years – 50%


4. Which of the following best describes your racial heritage?
     White – 80%
     Black – 4%
     Asian – 4%
     Hispanic – 2%
     Multi-racial – 2%
     Other – 1%
     Refused – 7%


5. How did you find out about this RealTalk?
     Newspaper – 14%
     E-newsletter – 49%
     T Ad – 0%
     Friend – 26%
     Website – 3%
     Other – 8%


6. I work in the…
     Private sector – 24%
     Public sector – 27%
     Nonprofit sector – 36%
     Not currently employed – 5%
     Student – 8%



7. Owning a car is considered part of the American Dream
     Yes – 83%
     No – 17%
8. Why don’t more Bostonians give up their cars?
     They have parking – 2%
     They like the status of having a car – 4%
     They don’t like public transportation – 21%
     Find owning a car convinient – 57%
     Haven’t thought of alternatives – 16%


9. I own at least one car.
     Yes – 50%
     No – 50%
10. I currently own a bike.
     Yes – 70%
     No – 30%


11. What form of transportation do you primarily use to commute to work?
     Car (single occupancy) – 10%
     Car (carpooling/car sharing) – 1%
     Cab – 0%
     MBTA Orange, red, green, blue, silver lines – 39%
     MBTA Commuter rail – 7%
     MBTA Bus – 4%
     MBTA Commuter boat – 1%
     Bicycle – 18%
     Walk – 18%
     Other – 2%


12. About how long does it take for you to commute to work?
     Less than 30 minutes – 55%
     More than 30 minutes but less than 60 minutes – 34%
     More than 60 minutes but less than 90 minutes – 10%
     More than 90 minutes – 0%
     Other – 1%


13. To do errands around town, I am most likely to take…
     Car (single occupancy) – 23%
     Car (carpooling/car sharing) – 5%
     Cab – 0%
     MBTA Orange, red, green, blue, silver lines – 15%
     MBTA Commuter rail – 0%
     MBTA Bus – 1%
     MBTA Commuter boat – 0%
     Bicycle – 20%
     Walk – 35%
     Other – 1%


14. Compared with other cities I know of, Boston is…
     Easy to get around – 68%
     Pretty much the same as other cities – 13%
     Harder to get around – 19%
15. Compared with other cities I know of, driving in Boston is…
     Easier than other cities – 6%
     Pretty much the same as other cities – 13%
     Harder than other cities – 81%


16. Compared with other cities I know of, biking in Boston is…
     Easier than other cities – 17%
     Pretty much the same as other cities – 38%
     Harder than other cities – 45%


16. Compared with other cities I know of, walking around Boston is…
     Easier than other cities – 77%
     Pretty much the same as other cities – 10%
     Harder than other cities – 13%


18.Compared with other cities I know of, the public transportation system (The T) is…
     Better than other cities – 42%
     Pretty much the same as other cities – 33%
     Worse than other cities – 25%
19. I would find Boston easier to get around if…
     There were more bike paths/lanes – 25%
     The roads were wider – 3%
     The sidewalks were in better shape – 14%
     Public transporation were faster – 32%
     There was more parking – 13%
     I had more transporation options available to me – 13%


20. I get most of the information I need to answer my transportation questions from?
     The newspaper – 4%
     Signs and maps at T stations – 8%
     Websites – 75%
     Friends – 5%
     Other – 8%


21. London and Paris prohibit/limit the number of cars entering the city. Why can’t Boston?
     I agree that Boston should limit the number of cars that enter the city – 63%
     I disagree that Boston should limit the number of cars that enter the city – 23%
     I don’t know – 14%


22. When thinking about improvements to the transportation system our first priority should be
     Improving safety – 3%
     Reducing the cost – 8%
     Increasing accessibility – 17%
     Reducing traffic conjestion – 17%
     Making services more convinient – 20%
     Reducing commuting time – 14%
     Mitigating long-term environmental impact – 18%
     Other – 3%


23. If there were more bike paths and lanes in Boston I would be more likely to ride my bike to get to work or do errands around town
     Yes – 57%
     No – 31%
     Maybe – 12%


24. How can we make Boston a safer place for pedestrians?
     Enforce J-walking laws – 5%
     Expand “traffic calming” efforts – 22%
     Build wider sidewalkd – 5%
     Improve pedestrian crossings in intersections – 33%
     More ticketing of cars that don’t yeild to a pedestrian in a crosswalk – 32%
     Other – 3%


25. The most important improvement the T could make would be to…
     Have cleaner cars and stations – 2%
     Add new transit lines (Urban ring, North/South stations connection, etc.) – 34%
     Provide waiting passengers with more information about arrivals and delays – 28%
     Improve the frequency of service – 23%
     Make it easier to transfer from train to bus, etc. – 8%
     Add bike racks to buses – 2%
     Make the system safer – 0%
     Other – 3%

26. I would be willing to pay more in fares or taxes for the improvements listed in the previous question.
     Yes – 81%
     No – 19%
27. Including tonight, I have attended…
     Just one RealTalk program before – 78%
     More than one but no more than three RealTalk programs – 16%
     More than three RealTalk programs – 6%


28. I would attend a program like this again?
     Yes – 82%
     No – 18%


October 20, 2005
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm