The Role of Higher Education in an Equitable Recovery

Together, MassINC and The MassINC Polling bring you Probing New Public Opinion Data for an Informed Response – a series of conversations on real data from real people.

Even as coronavirus continues to disrupt our communities, many students are still making one of the most important decisions of their lives this summer: whether or not to pursue higher education in the fall.

To better understand their intentions, MassINC and The MassINC Polling Group present the results from a timely survey of 10th, 11th and 12th grade parents. Are parents comfortable with their children attending higher education classes this year? Are they concerned about potential learning gaps as a result of a challenging school year? And given existing and new economic hardships, is higher education affordable?

Most parents say their child’s college plans have not changed, but access to technology, language barriers, and economic status remain obstacles to pursuing a post-secondary degree.

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Slides and more

Click here to view the press release, Steve’s slides, topline and cross-tabs. 

Click to view Ben’s slides.

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