Getting the Job Done

Advancing the New Skills Agenda

Getting the Job Done: Advancing the New Skills Agenda draws from lessons learned through two years of MassINC’s New Skills for a New Economy Campaign and lays out critical reforms needed for the Massachusetts workforce development system. There is broad agreement that Massachusetts’s workforce development system needs repair to meet the challenges of the 21st read more
This research report uses data from the 2000 and 1990 Censuses to track developments in median income for New Hampshire families over the past two decades. Among its key findings is that the typical New Hampshire family, which enjoyed above average real income growth over the 1980s, struggled to keep ahead of the increases in read more

Head of the Class

Characteristics of Higher Performing Urban High Schools in Massachusetts

With few exceptions, urban high schools that serve high proportions of low-income and minority youth are failing to meet the academic needs of their students, according to a new study released by the Center for Education Research and Policy at MassINC. Using a range of indicators, some of which include: attendance rates, drop-out rates, college read more
The new research finds that the path to economic success for Massachusetts families and workers is narrow and unforgiving, and those who stumble pay dearly. The report argues that the difficulty today in obtaining, or holding onto, a reasonably secure middle-class standard of living is the result of fundamental changes in the “recipe” for achieving read more

From Cell to Street

A Plan to Supervise Inmates After Release

This report begins and ends with a concern for the public safety of hardworking, law-abiding citizens of the Commonwealth. Our citizens deserve safe neighborhoods where their children can play on the streets, businesses can thrive, the elderly can walk without fear, and neighbors can congregate at night on their front porches. In recent years, much read more

New Skills for a New Economy

Adult Education's Key Role in Sustaining Economic Growth and Expanding Opportunity

According to this new groundbreaking report from MassINC, more than a third (1.1 million) of Massachusetts’s 3.2 million workers are ill equipped to meet the demands of the state’s rapidly changing economy. This threatens the state’s ability to sustain the current economic boom and traps the workers themselves in jobs with little opportunity to advance. read more

Opportunity Knocks

Training the Commonwealth's Workers for the New Economy

With the recent passage of the Workforce Investment Act in Washington, states have more freedom than ever before to set their own objectives in job training policy and pursue creative new ways to reach their goals. While the new federal policy doesn’t force states to comprehensively reform themselves, it does loosen the reigns so that read more

The Changing Workforce

Immigrants and the New Economy in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts economy may be booming, but have you ever wondered where local companies, large and small, are finding their new employees? The answer will surprise you. The Changing Workforce, a joint research project of MassINC and Citizens Bank, discovered that since the mid-1980s foreign immigrants, not native-born workers, account for an astounding 82 percent read more

Prisons and Sentencing in Massachusetts

Waging a More Effective Fight Against Crime

Does Massachusetts need more prison space to keep crime in check and improve public safety? Who’s in prison now? Are we filling our prisons with the right people? The answers contained in this investigative report on our corrections system may surprise you. For instance, contrary to popular perception an inflow of low-level drug offenders is read more

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