Community Capital for Small Businesses
A Study of the CDFI and CDC Ecosystem in Massachusetts
Accelerating Inclusive Growth in the Pioneer Valley
A Prospectus for Transformative Economic Investment
Empowering Cities to Accelerate Equitable Growth
A State Policy Blueprint for Inclusive Municipal Contracting
Going for Growth
Promoting Digital Equity in Massachusetts Gateway Cities
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Exploring how efforts to increase digital inclusion can yield large benefits for Gateway Cities, their residents, and similar cities.
Topic(s): Economic Development, Gateway Cities
Transformative Transit-Oriented Development recognizes that equity is the key to transforming cities and towns in Massachusetts, and the country. In Massachusetts, a decades long economic boom has not always reached Gateway Cities, yielding uneven growth and investment that have deepened inequities across places, races, classes and cultures. The coronavirus pandemic has amplified these disparities. To
This policy brief is the third in a series exploring state and local level approaches to generating transformative transit-oriented development (TTOD) in Gateway Cities. This brief examines two additional state incentive programs—43D Expedited Permitting and 40R Smart Growth Zoning—as tools to spur Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in Gateway Cities
This policy brief is the second in a series exploring state and local level approaches to generating transformative transit-oriented development (TTOD) in Gateway Cities. Here, our thinking is that the state’s commuter rail system would receive much more use—and spur greater, more transformative Gateway City investment—if rail station areas were primed for compact TOD. The
Building Communities of Promise and Possibility
State and Local Blueprints for Comprehensive Neighborhood Stabilization
This policy brief is the first in a series exploring state and local level approaches to generating transformative transit-oriented development (TTOD) in Gateway Cities. Here, we examine strategies to maximize the benefits of the new federal Opportunity Zone Program. The analysis centers on Massachusetts’ census tracts designated as Opportunity Zones. Our findings show that the