Lending a helping hand to our cause

Dear Friends: Last week you received an email inviting you to join us for the Third Annual Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Awards. We love hosting this event. When the greater Gateway City community comes together to celebrate their collective achievements, we breath in the positive energy, filling our lungs for another year of hard work.


The 2014 Gateway Cities Innovation Awards and Summit

We hope you were one of the many who attended the second annual Gateway Cities Innovation Awards & Summit last Thursday at UMass Boston. If you could not make it, you can watch the video here. Over 300 leaders from the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities gathered to recognize five organizations advancing educational excellence in their communities

MassINC Announces the Winners of the 2014 Gateway Cities Innovation Awards

MassINC’s Gateway Cities Innovation Institute announced the winners of the 2014 Gateway Cities Innovation Awards on Tuesday. The awards are made annually to organizations and individuals that utilize innovative models to grow the economies of the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities. The 2014 awards will be presented at the Institute’s annual event in November. “This year’s awards

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