Those who tell the stories, rule the world

“Those who tell the stories rule, the world” goes the proverb. Gateway City leaders know firsthand that there’s still a lot of truth in this old wisdom. Too often, the performance and potential of Gateway Cities are defined by those on the outside who have little understanding of the struggle. When we make policy based

Ben Forman Testifies On Criminal Justice Reform

Testimony Given Before the Massachusetts Sentencing Commission

MassINC Research Director Ben Forman testifies on Criminal Justice Reform before the Massachusetts Sentencing Commission at the State House. What follows below is a copy of his written testimony. Wednesday, November 18, 2015. Chair Lu and members of the Commission, I thank you for the opportunity to testify this morning on behalf of MassINC and the

Preparing the next generation of civic leaders…

Gateway Cities Journal

Congratulations to the Latino Education Institute and the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce for their work preparing Worcester’s next generation of civic leaders! We’re excited to recognize these accomplishments with a 2015 Gateway Cities Innovation Award.  The Latino Education Institute is a center at Worcester State University that provides high-quality summer and afterschool programs with a heavy emphasis

Sarah Athanas and Dena Haden

This week’s Gateway Cities Leaders

Cities are shaped by their citizens. From New Bedford to Pittsfield, a new generation of passionate young leaders are spearheading innovative efforts to reinvent their communities. This series profiles their work and introduces their ideas, visions, and aspirations to the wider Gateway City world. Is there a young leader in your city that we should spotlight? Please let us know.

GOP debate day after, City Council maps, and MBTA survey fail

The Topline

GOP Debate Recap: It’s the morning after yet another Republican presidential debate night. It’s too early to know whether anyone’s performance is going to result in a meaningful change in the polls. Remember: those online snap polls are like psychic hotlines: for entertainment purposes only. Especially when they start taking responses before the debate is even

Celebrating relentless Gateway City leadership…

Gateway Cities Journal

Congratulations to the Holyoke SSYI Program for demonstrating an effective new model to reduce violent crime by supporting proven-risk young men! We’re excited to recognize their inspiring work with a 2015 Gateway Cities Innovation Award. The Holyoke SSYI Program is a powerful example of how successful Gateway City initiatives fuse leaders and leadership styles together to overcome stubborn challenges. SSYI

Ty Allan Jackson

This week’s Gateway Cities Leader

Cities are shaped by their citizens. From New Bedford to Pittsfield, a new generation of passionate young leaders are spearheading innovative efforts to reinvent their communities. This series profiles their work and introduces their ideas, visions, and aspirations to the wider Gateway City world. Is there a young leader in your city that we should spotlight? Please let us know.

The Lawrence Story

Partnerships boost student performance and strengthen the community

MassINC is working hard to find new ways to tell the story of Gateway City Leaders. This video and the related case study describe Lawrence’s community partnership model. Jeff Riley, the leader appointed to transform the Lawrence schools in 2012, immediately set about extending the school day to offer students a wider array of learning opportunities.

Why we believe in social emotional learning

Ben Forman's remarks at the Social Emotional Learning Policy Forum

Our focus at MassINC is serving as a nonpartisan voice for state policies that support a growing middle class; about decade ago, we started to organize our work around the Gateway Cities. This was in recognition that the communities where low-income families are increasingly concentrated have an outsized role, as either launching pads up into the middle class or as pockets where persistent generational poverty have formed.

Riley’s turnaround effort bigger than schools

Lawrence groups and city in general pitch in to revamp education system

A FEW YEARS AGO, Lawrence’s schools were considered some of the worst in the state.  Only half of their students were finishing high school.  Test scores were abysmal.  Beyond the school walls, there was distress in the community: more than a quarter of the residents were living in poverty. The state appointed a receiver, Jeff

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