The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute presents Going for Growth: Enhancing the Economic Impact of Public Transit in Gateway Cities with Comprehensive Service Planning

Download the full report (PDF) The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute is proud to present Going for Growth: Enhancing the Economic Impact of Public Transit in Gateway Cities with Comprehensive Service Planning. This new policy brief examines how best practices in transit planning can benefit Massachusetts’s Regional Transit Authorities. Massachusetts’s Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) have an

House budget reduces support for key Gateway City education initiatives

Stacked up against Governor Patrick’s budget proposal, the FY 15 House budget reduces funding for key Gateway City education initiatives. Governor Patrick’s budget request increased investment in line items related to the Gateway Cities Vision by nearly $40 million; in contrast, the House budget increases funding in these areas by $26 million. The most significant

Obama’s Youth CareerConnect grant coming to Brockton

Boston-based Jobs for the Future will help the city build new pathways to college & career President Obama’s recent announcement on Youth CareerConnect awards will help further the Gateway Cities Education Vision in the city of Brockton. The US Department of Labor awarded $107 million in funding for 24 different local partnerships. These Youth CareerConnect

Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Applauds MassDevelopment’s Hiring of Director of Transformative Development

New role will focus on economic development in Gateway Cities The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute at MassINC is excited that MassDevelopment has hired Anne Gatling Haynes as Director of Transformative Development. This appointment is sign of further momentum around House Bill 311, An Act to Promote Transformative Development in Gateway Cities, which is currently being

Parent-Child Home Programs work in Gateway Cities. Can they be scaled up?

The Gateway Cities Vision emphasizes the importance of early education and social and emotional growth in improving the learning conditions in the Gateway Cities. One way to approach this is through Parent-Child Home Programs (PCHPs), which use biweekly home visits to help develop parent-child relationships, language acquisition, and social and emotional experience. Currently there are

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