Welcome, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation!

We are the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth, a nonprofit think tank which unites nonpartisan research, civic journalism, and independent polling to achieve its mission of forging new pathways to opportunity. Featured below is a case study from one of our most recent pursuits, criminal justice reform, which highlights the integral role that journalism

NGALC Meeting 2 Recap

Measuring social-emotional skills, school climate, and CCR

Last Thursday, the NGALC convened to look at how next generation accountability frameworks integrate college and career readiness, school climate, and social-emotional skills. The group’s discussion pivoted on how accountability policies ensure that we don’t undercut nonacademic learning, while avoiding the unintended consequences that the introduction of high-stakes measures can produce. Our expert presenters explored

At the buzzer, Downing hits a game-changer

The Gateway Cities Journal

Last week Senator Benjamin Downing—outgoing co-chair of the Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus—scored a major departing victory for our cause when he successfully inserted an amendment into the municipal government bill (S 2410) giving regions an option to raise funds locally to pay for regional transportation needs. If this amendment passes in a final bill, it

NGALC Dispatch #1

Exploring Foundational Questions For Next Generation Accountability

How can educators make the Every Student Succeeds Act a pivot to smarter, next generation school accountability? With generous support from the Barr Foundation, the Next Generation Accountability Learning Community (NGALC) is examining this question with an emphasis on small-to-midsize cities, communities that serve a disproportionate share of the disadvantaged students — the core focus

Four education experts lined up for second meeting

Experts will delve into additional metrics used in school accountability

Four diverse experts – Martin West of Harvard University, Katie Buckley of Transforming Education, Mariann Lemke of AIR, and Patrick Kyllonen of ETS – will serve as our expert leaders at the second NGALC meeting. They will present on new innovations in accountability surrounding college and career readiness, social emotional learning, and school climate. For

Supporting our police officers on criminal justice reform

The MassCJRC Journal

The latest incidents of tragic violence in communities of color across the county have drawn greater attention to criminal justice reform. The public increasingly recognizes that we are asking too much of our police when we send them into neighborhoods torn apart by decades of disinvestment, racial discrimination, illegal drugs, and the proliferation of guns.

New CSG data provide important insights on young adult justice

The Council of State Governments Justice reinvestment team convened the working group for a third meeting this week. Their presentation focused on recidivism with particular attention to pretrial decision-making, incarcerated populations, and programming within HOC institutions. The CSG also provided an addendum with additional slides. A couple of thoughts based on the data and reactions from the

Entering the fray on education accountability

The Gateway Cities Journal

Recently MassINC convened education leaders from across New England for a dialogue on redesigning state accountability frameworks to comply with the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). We’ll be bringing this group together for several dialogues focused on how states should approach accountability with particular attention to Gateway Cities. The arguments are compelling: small-to-midsize

A community conversation on transformative development in Springfield

On June 30th,MassINC joined the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission for a community conversation on transformative development in Springfield. The forum was held at Make-It Springfield, a pop-up makerspace launched with support from MassDevelopment’s TDI program. Managed in partnership with the UMass Design Center in Springfield, the space has revitalized a vacant storefront bringing new energy

NGALC Meeting 1 Recap

Measuring Academic Achievement and Student Growth

On June 29th, MassINC hosted the first meeting of the Next Generation Accountability Learning Community for small to midsize urban districts. State and local education leaders from across New England gathered to discuss the opportunities presented by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Session one focused on measuring academic achievement and student growth. Ryan Reyna

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