New polling finds voters in largest Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states are open to policy to reduce transportation emissions

Two-thirds of voters across seven states support charging fuel distributors for air pollution and investing the proceeds in better and cleaner transportation

A new set of polls of registered voters across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic finds broad support for a multi-state policy to cap carbon pollution from transportation and invest in transportation improvements. That policy is currently being developed by the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), a collaboration between 12 states and the

Kennedy v. Markey is no Pressley v. Capuano

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On Saturday, Representative Joe Kennedy formally announced his campaign to challenge Senator Ed Markey in the Democratic primary. Rumors of a Kennedy run have been swirling since earlier this summer, and with them comparisons to Ayanna Pressley’s successful primary bid against Mike Capuano. While both Pressley and Kennedy represent a generational shift, the similarities end

The Topline: Wait Wait, Don’t Primary Me

2018 saw the most contested Democratic primaries for the House in decades; will 2020 top it? 

It used to be both polite and practical to wait your turn to run for Congress in Massachusetts. Party leaders and insiders frowned on impertinence, and the very occasional primary challenges that happened were rarely successful. That era is ending. We’ve seen two longtime incumbents unseated in the last few cycles, and the 2020 congressional

Steve Koczela testifies before the Joint Committee on Revenue

On Regional Ballot Initiatives for Transportation

On June 18, 2019, The MassINC Polling Group’s President Steve Koczela testified before the Massachusetts State Legislature’s Joint Committee on Revenue about polling and focus groups MPG has conducted on regional ballot initiatives for transportation. Thank you to the chairs and members. I am here to discuss public opinion on S1694/H2653 on regional ballot initiatives

Poll: Massachusetts voters feeling strain from transportation challenges, support policy changes including new funding

Half of those with commutes over 45 minutes say they’ve recently considered changing jobs; 30% have considered leaving their area altogether

Full report and topline (PDF) Crosstabs (PDF) Massachusetts voters, especially those who commute to work, are paying emotional and economic tolls as they negotiate the state’s crowded and strained roads and public transit systems. A new statewide registered voter survey from The MassINC Polling Group finds voters feel urgency toward action, including raising new funds

Seth Moulton and the Shifting Sands of Polls

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Polling is a snapshot of time; when times change, polls are a time capsule of the way it used to be. Perhaps no one better exemplifies the shifting sands of polls right now than Seth Moulton, who has led the apparently unsuccessful charge to block Nancy Pelosi from returning as Speaker of the House. The

Surprise! Mass. Dems don’t want to abolish ICE

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Follow Twitter trends and cable news discussion, and you’d think the Democratic base was all-in on the idea of abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE. Indeed, even national polling seemed to show Democrats headed in that direction, with a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll finding Democrats support abolishing ICE (43 percent) over keeping it (34 percent). Trump

Can Ocasio-Cortez return the favor for Ayanna Pressley?

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Going into the 7th Congressional District debate this week, Boston City Councillor Ayanna Pressley trailed the incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano by 13 points, according to the latest WBUR poll. The debate was less about issues than it was whether voters want experience or a new perspective in Congress. That’s in keeping with the polling: only

Boston considers non-citizen voting

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Voting is the core of democracy. But who gets to vote has been fraught with political disagreement since America’s earliest days. Recently, a series of decisions from the Supreme Court has loosened enforcement of voting rights in places with sometimes dubious track records. Those rulings, and continued talk of voter fraud from the administration, has

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