The Massachusetts Board of Elementary & Secondary Education met on September 27th and heard from agency staff on ESSA outreach and implementation. In materials made public for the meeting, the Department published a list of indicators suggested by external stakeholders during outreach performed by the department over the spring and summer. A couple of observations
NGALC Meeting #3 Recap
Hearing the voice of urban school leaders
NGALC members gathered on September 20th for a third and final meeting. Unlike the other sessions, there were no expert presentations. This gathering focused on hearing from the members and hashing out their thinking on next generation accountability after three months of reflecting together on the opportunities and challenges ESSA presents. For the first two sessions,
NGALC Dispatch #2
Establishing Principles for Accountability
How can educators make the Every Student Succeeds Act a pivot to smarter, next generation school accountability? With generous support from the Barr Foundation, the Next Generation Accountability Learning Community (NGALC) is examining this question with an emphasis on small-to-midsize cities, communities that serve a disproportionate share of the disadvantaged students—the core focus of the new federal
ESSA Updates
A look at how stakeholders are responding to the USDOE’s draft regulations
While many lauded ESSA for providing more flexibility to state and local educators, many state officials, advocacy groups, and education experts have expressed concern over proposed ESSA regulations issued in May 2016. Their chief concerns pertain to how the regulations overstep the language of the original statute. Some of the most common objections to the
NGALC Meeting 2 Recap
Measuring social-emotional skills, school climate, and CCR
Last Thursday, the NGALC convened to look at how next generation accountability frameworks integrate college and career readiness, school climate, and social-emotional skills. The group’s discussion pivoted on how accountability policies ensure that we don’t undercut nonacademic learning, while avoiding the unintended consequences that the introduction of high-stakes measures can produce. Our expert presenters explored
NGALC Dispatch #1
Exploring Foundational Questions For Next Generation Accountability
How can educators make the Every Student Succeeds Act a pivot to smarter, next generation school accountability? With generous support from the Barr Foundation, the Next Generation Accountability Learning Community (NGALC) is examining this question with an emphasis on small-to-midsize cities, communities that serve a disproportionate share of the disadvantaged students — the core focus
Four education experts lined up for second meeting
Experts will delve into additional metrics used in school accountability
Four diverse experts – Martin West of Harvard University, Katie Buckley of Transforming Education, Mariann Lemke of AIR, and Patrick Kyllonen of ETS – will serve as our expert leaders at the second NGALC meeting. They will present on new innovations in accountability surrounding college and career readiness, social emotional learning, and school climate. For
NGALC Meeting 1 Recap
Measuring Academic Achievement and Student Growth
On June 29th, MassINC hosted the first meeting of the Next Generation Accountability Learning Community for small to midsize urban districts. State and local education leaders from across New England gathered to discuss the opportunities presented by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Session one focused on measuring academic achievement and student growth. Ryan Reyna
Andrew Rice to present at first convening
National expert on academic measurers of student growth joins NGALC leaders
Andrew Rice, Vice President of Research and Operations at Education Analytics Inc. will serve as an expert presenter at the first convening of the NGALC. This session will focus on integrating foundational metrics of school success into accountability policies, including academic achievement, growth, and English language proficiency. Andrew works with local school districts, labor organizations,
The Next Generation Accountability Learning Community
A community of educators from across New England discussing school accountability in small to midsize urban districts
MassINC is excited to announce the formation of the Next Generation Accountability Learning Community (NGALC). Through in depth conversations with policy experts and fellow educators, members of the NGALC will identify opportunities and challenges the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) presents for small-to-midsize urban districts in New England serving large concentrations of high-need students. Passed
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