Gateway Cities Innovation Institute applauds Boston 2024 Selection of New Bedford to Host Sailing


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Winthrop Roosevelt (617) 224-1625 Statement: Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Applauds Boston 2024 selection of New Bedford to Host Sailing The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute applauds Boston 2024 for revising their initial bid for the Olympic Games to include New Bedford as the venue for the sailing competition. Locating the Olympic

MassINC presents

"At the Apex: The 2030 Educational Attainment Forecast"

Download the full report (PDF) MassINC is proud to present At the Apex, an educational attainment forecast through 2030 prepared in partnership with the UMass Donahue Institute. This analysis draws attention to the problem the Massachusetts economy will confront as the large and highly skilled Baby Boom generation ages out of the state’s workforce. To

The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute presents Going for Growth: Enhancing the Economic Impact of Public Transit in Gateway Cities with Comprehensive Service Planning

Download the full report (PDF) The Gateway Cities Innovation Institute is proud to present Going for Growth: Enhancing the Economic Impact of Public Transit in Gateway Cities with Comprehensive Service Planning. This new policy brief examines how best practices in transit planning can benefit Massachusetts’s Regional Transit Authorities. Massachusetts’s Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) have an

MassINC unveils new report on criminal justice public opinion

View/download the full report (PDF) View/download the poll crosstabs (PDF) Massachusetts residents support reforming the criminal justice system to send fewer people to prison, and overwhelmingly (85 percent) support a package of reforms similar to those enacted in other states. In fact, most see the current prison system as a contributor to crime rather than

MassINC to honor Gateway City Innovators

Champions of Transformative Redevelopment to receive awards at first annual Gateway Cities luncheon MassINC, together with leaders from the 26 Gateway Cities, will celebrate the innovative spirit of Massachusetts’ historic Gateway Cities by honoring five individuals and two organizations that have had a transformative impact on their communities. The awards will be presented at the

Gateway City leaders rally behind precedent-setting bill to encourage “transformative” development

New legislation supports projects that spur additional private investment in weak markets A new bill supporting high impact development projects in Gateway Cities – where the market gap between development costs and returns continues to deter investors– was heard September 10 in Springfield. Gateway City mayors from across the state and a host of community

CommonWealth editor Bruce Mohl moderates issues forum with candidates for mayor of Lawrence

Lawrence mayoral candidates Marcos Devers, Juan “Manny” Gonzalez, James Patrick O’Donoghue, and Daniel Rivera participated in an issues forum/debate Monday night hosted by Commonwealth Magazine, The Eagle-Tribune, and Rumbo Newspaper. The debate was moderated by Bruce Mohl, editor of Commonwealth Magazine. Gabrielle Gurley, Senior Associate Editor of Commonwealth Magazine, Keith Eddings, reporter at The Eagle-Tribune,

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