Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) Fact Sheet

Data provided to MassINC by DHCD as result of public records request October 26, 2021 Bottom Line: The HDIP program is oversubscribed, with $57 million in applications pending in pipeline. This represents 41 housing projects totaling 2,276 units of housing and $706.6 million dollars of investment in Gateway Cities that could move forward immediately with

What’s really behind the population increase in Gateway Cities?

Gateway Cities Journal

Gateway Cities are seeing strength in some neighborhoods and market segments, while others continue to present very real concerns. Whatever the case may be, it is imperative to better understand recent growth trends and develop clear-eyed strategy in response.

Preventing a housing crisis in Lawrence

Gateways Episode 70

With the statewide eviction moratorium no longer in place, Gateway City residents face a new threat from the pandemic. In Lawrence, leaders are working together to mount an effective response. Jess Andors and Juan Bonilla from the local CDC, Lawrence Community Works (LCW), take a break from the all-consuming effort to share first-hand perspective. Jess,

Speaking up for Gateway City Teachers

The Gateway Cities Journal

Schools are finishing up for the year, but the emotional toll of the pandemic bears down on Gateway City educators harder than ever. For the past three months, they engaged in heroic efforts: helping families find food, consoling those who lost loved ones, leading painful dialogues on race and identity. Gateway City districts haven’t been

Where equity gaps are deepest, we need more patience

The Gateway Cities Journal

In the most recent FMCB meeting, board chair Joe Aiello called out the one week fare decrease on the commuter rail from Lynn to North Station. The mitigation has had tremendous success during blue line construction. However, the MBTA has not committed to extending that fare decrease to encourage more ridership between Lynn and Boston. The

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