The Road Ahead

Emerging Threats to the Massachusetts Economy

The report includes detailed analysis on the economic condition of workers and families in Massachusetts, the soaring costs of housing and the state’s high personal tax burden, the state’s slow labor force growth rates, the troubling out-migration of young, college-educated workers to other states, the growing trends of income inequality across families and across regions,

Lessons Learned

25 Years of State Economic Policy

Are you interested in cutting through the partisan rhetoric about the state’s role in economic policy? Would you like to know what some of the state’s most experienced policy-makers–from both parties–would say about economic policy if you could get them around a table working as a group? If so, you’ll be fascinated by this report–the

Closing the Gap

Raising Skills to Raise Wages

This report is a primer on the three vital rungs of our state’s workforce development system: adult basic education, job training programs, and our community college system. It received widespread media coverage, and is now inspiring numerous efforts to improve the state’s disparate efforts to empower citizens to improve their education and skill levels. Here

The State of the American Dream in New England

MassINC’s first policy report asked the region’s best labor market economists one simple question: what has happened to families in New England economically over the past 15 years? Their answers provide reams of useful information for any candidate for office. Want to know the median family income in Massachusetts in 1979, 1989 and 1996? Want

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