BIDs strengthened in new jobs bill

Downtown revitalization efforts are getting a boost in the Jobs Bill passed last month by the Legislature. The law seeks to increase infrastructure investment, facilitate growth of new and existing businesses, and streamline the permitting process. Perhaps the most important change the legislation offers is stronger Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). BIDs are special zones in

The positive fiscal impact of historic tax credits

For economic development spending, the Holy Grail is a program that pays for itself. This can happen when a state outlay generates economic activity leading to increased tax collections. In a recent analysis of the state historic tax credit for the Urban Land Institute, Ted Carmen shows that there’s a good shot that the state’s historic

Immigrant entrepreneurs for growth and renewal

A recent report by the Small Business Administration highlights the role of immigrant entrepreneurs in the American economy. The study shows immigrants are more likely to form and own businesses. While the findings suggest immigrant-owned businesses have lower revenues and fewer employees on average, they are more likely to export products. During the Great Recession,

Boston Society of Architects Explores Placemaking in Gateway Cities

BSA’s Placemaking Network – co-chaired by Christina Lanzl (director of MassArt’s Urban Arts Institute) and Robert Tullis (director of design at GID Urban Development) – hosted a lively discussion on how state policy can support development in Gateway Cities that builds and reinforces their authentic urban fabric.   Click here for Ben Forman’s presentation to the

The State of the Gateway Cities in 2012

It’s a new year, and annual census figures for US cities were recently released. MassINC has combed through these numbers to provide a fresh look at the state of the state’s Gateway Cities. This analysis reveals a sharp dichotomy. Gateway Cities are fairing well economically. Most are gaining population and most have recovered the jobs

Recapturing the American Dream

Meeting the Challenges of the Bay State's Lost Decade

This joint project with the Center for Labor Market Studies was made possible by the generous support of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts and Partners Health Care. More so than any previous report, this research sheds light on the economic well-being of workers at a moment when public attention is hyper-focused on policymaking to

MassINC’s Middle Class Index

The first-of-its-kind Middle Class Index is designed to serve as a barometer of the status of middle class residents. Composed of 26 different indicators, the overall score for Massachusetts in 2010 was 97.4, down 2.6 points from the benchmark figure of 100 for the year 2000. Nationally, the index number was 94.2. The index number

New Census data show growing number of residents living in concentrated poverty

Concentrated poverty is a big problem for many urban communities, including a number of the state’s Gateway Cities. Studies show that concentrating poor families in neighborhoods with other extremely low-income residents magnifies the negative effects of poverty. Crime, high school dropout rates, teen pregnancy rates, and substance abuse are all higher than they would otherwise

Summer jobs programs serve Gateway Cities

Research from Andy Sum and Northeastern University’s Center for Labor Market Studies documents the important connection between holding down a job in high school and attachment to the labor force in later years. Professor Sum’s research tells us that high Gateway City teen unemployment rates could have economic consequences that persist well into the future.

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