How much learning was lost?

On Wednesday, July 1, MassINC and The MassINC Polling Group held a Zoom forum exploring the results of a landmark survey of Massachusetts K-12 parents. The poll focused on parents’ experiences with remote learning during COVID-19. Event Recording Key Findings According to the findings, Massachusetts’ K-12 parents experienced very different engagement levels from schools and

Speaking up for Gateway City Teachers

The Gateway Cities Journal

Schools are finishing up for the year, but the emotional toll of the pandemic bears down on Gateway City educators harder than ever. For the past three months, they engaged in heroic efforts: helping families find food, consoling those who lost loved ones, leading painful dialogues on race and identity. Gateway City districts haven’t been

Take The #TTODTalkChallenge!

MassINC is on a mission to support livable communities - and that has to start with community residents. Help us show the need for community space, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic changes the way we use public spaces by taking the #TTODTalkChallenge!

Where equity gaps are deepest, we need more patience

The Gateway Cities Journal

In the most recent FMCB meeting, board chair Joe Aiello called out the one week fare decrease on the commuter rail from Lynn to North Station. The mitigation has had tremendous success during blue line construction. However, the MBTA has not committed to extending that fare decrease to encourage more ridership between Lynn and Boston. The

Community college is key to rethinking higher-ed

With coronavirus drawing attention to widespread socioeconomic disparities, many are calling for renewed effort to combat inequality. From near universal health care to paid family leave, Massachusetts is already a leading state when it comes to progressive policies. But pubic higher education—perhaps the strongest economic leveler—stands out as an area where Massachusetts trails. So many

Actionable Ideas for Equitable Small Business Recovery

Gateways Podcast Episode 58

Small business owners across the state reacted in a variety of ways to Governor Charlie Baker’s reopening plan announced Monday. Many decried the incremental plan, saying it would put them out of business. Gateways Podcast · Episode 58: Ideas for Equitable Small Business Recovery All small business owners are no doubt hurting, but owners of

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