Pathways to Economic Mobility
Identifying the Labor Market Value of Community College in Massachusetts
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New research shows that simply attending community college increases employment rates, while a certificate or degree sparks increases in employment and earnings – including an increase of as much as $14,000 annually in salary in some fields.
Topic(s): Education, Jobs and Economic Security
Early College as a Force for Equity in the Post-Pandemic Era
Discussion Paper
Building on the June 2019 MassINC report exploring the promise of Early College High Schools, this discussion paper examines strategies to sustainably finance these programs. The analysis describes the additional
Investing in Early College
Our Most Promising Pathway
Local Accountability
An Untapped Strategy for Advancing Student Achievement in Massachusetts Public Schools
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This volume combines the three papers in the local accountability series in one document with an executive summary. The five-page executive summary encapsulates the findings and recommendations and provides further
Topic(s): Education, Gateway Cities
Governing Local Accountability
The Health of School Committees and Councils in Gateway Cities
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Paper two documented a dearth of local accountability practice in Gateway Cities. The third and final installment in our series, this report traces the absence of robust local accountability in
Topic(s): Education, Gateway Cities
School and District Improvement Plans
A Review of Local Accountability Practice in Massachusetts Gateway Cities
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The second installment in a series of three reports, this paper explores the extent to which communities in Massachusetts exercise local accountability through an examination of Gateway City school and
Topic(s): Education, Gateway Cities