Great Expectations

A survey of young adults in Massachusetts

This project was made possible by the generous support of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts with MassHousing and State Street Foundation. This groundbreaking survey represents the first of its kind for our state-and we believe the first nationally. The choices of young adults about where to live and work are critical to our state’s read more

Mass Jobs

Meeting the Challenges of a Shifting Economy

The Massachusetts economy is the envy of many other states. It consistently ranks among the top in measures of New Economy success. We rank near the top of the nation in our level of labor productivity and have outpaced the nation in recent years in the rate of growth (11.5% versus 10.6%). We have the read more

Mass Economy

The Labor Supply and Our Economic Future

This research assesses the health of the state’s supply of labor, both now and into the future. A key question is whether the state has an adequate supply of qualified workers to fuel our next round of economic expansion. In recent years, when the national economy began to recover from the recession of 2001, the read more

A Generation in Transition

A Survey of Bay State Baby Boomers

A Generation in Transition: A Survey of Bay State Baby Boomers is a groundbreaking report produced in partnership with Princeton Survey Research Associates Intl. and made possible by the generous support of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. This survey represents the first of its kind for our state. Historically, baby boomers have rewritten the read more
The Changing Face of Massachusetts is a joint project of MassINC and the Center for Labor Market Studies and was made possible by the generous support of a number of sponsors, including the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Verizon, Citizens Bank, Polaroid, and Bank of America’s Frank W. and Carl S. Adams Memorial Fund. The demographics read more
The Massachusetts Nonprofit Sector: An Economic Profile, made possible through the generous support of the Mellon Charitable Giving Program/Alice P. Chase Trust and The Boston Foundation, and in partnership with the University College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University. This new report shows that Massachusetts nonprofits contribute substantially to the Bay State economy. read more
MASS.commuting was produced in partnership with the UMass Donahue Institute and generously sponsored by MassHousing. Our analysis of U.S. Census data reveals that the morning and evening commutes are rapidly worsening compared to the rest of the nation, a situation that erodes our qualify of life and economic health. Massachusetts commutes are getting worse faster read more

The Graying of Massachusetts

Aging, the New Rules of Retirement, and the Changing Workforce

Many Massachusetts workers will face a stark choice in the coming years: Retire later or retire with less money. Our findings show that powerful trends are converging at once to alter the retirement landscape: An aging population that has not saved enough must adjust to new Social Security rules that delay full benefits from the read more

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