The Gateway Cities Vision for Dynamic Community-Wide Learning Systems

Developed collaboratively with Gateway City mayors, managers, and education leaders, this vision highlights effective new models to prepare students for the changing economy and ensure an adequate supply of skilled workers for growing regional economies across the Commonwealth. The Vision also calls for strategies that leverage the educational assets of our urban centers so that they can create high-quality learning experiences that draw middle-class families back to their neighborhoods.

This novel document is the culmination of a year-long series of planning sessions, initiated by Gateway City mayors, city managers, and school officials and facilitated by MassINC’s Gateway Cities Innovation Institute with support from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, the Massachusetts Teachers Association, the Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation, and the Theodore Edson Parker Foundation.

The Vision will guide a multi-year effort to use data and public education to help the Commonwealth make targeted investments in Gateway City learning systems.

